Australia & Colonies - Instructional markings:
Delayed Due to Interruption to Line - manuscript.

The special instructional marking to show that a telegraphic message had been delayed by a problem with a line was often - in the early days - applied in manuscript by handwriting an annotation to that effect.

Examples of such annotations are provided below for:

New South Wales

NI DO 1 delay


Barmedman to Wagga Wagga.
20 March 1906.

Message lodged at 10:45 am and received at 3:35 pm.

Ms "Delayed interruption lines" at base.




Melbourne to Richmond.
28 October 1879.

Message lodged at 4:20 pm and received at 5:15 pm. As no date of lodgement is recorded, the delay was either brief or about 25 hours.

Has mss Delayed by Interrupton to line.